朝食はもう迷わない🤗忙しい朝にぴったり!ワンパントルティーヤレシピ 連続3日間食べています! #家庭料理 #cooking #卵#朝ごはん

★今日のレシピはこちら★👇【Check the recipe here】

朝食はもう迷わない!最近ハマっている超簡単で時短のトルティーヤレシピです。🙌 量もほどほどで、ダイエット中や朝食を少なめにしたい方におすすめです☝️本当に美味しいので、ぜひお試しくださいね♪😋

市販のトルティーヤ  1枚      
ピザ用チーズ     適量
卵          1個
ハム         2枚
塩          少々
ブラックペッパー   適量

1. ピザ用チーズをフライパンに丸く広げて、真っ中は空けます。

Don’t worry about breakfast anymore! Here is an ultra-easy and time-saving tortilla recipe that I’ve been hooked on recently. It’s perfect for those who are dieting or want a light breakfast, as the portion size is just right. It’s truly delicious, so please give it a try!

★ Ingredients (Serves 1)
•Store-bought tortilla: 1 piece
•Shredded cheese: as needed
•Egg: 1
•Ham: 2 slices
•Salt: a pinch
•Black pepper: to taste
★ Instructions
1.Spread the shredded cheese in a circle in a frying pan, leaving the center empty.
2.Crack an egg into the center of the cheese and slightly break the yolk with a spoon. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper.
3.Place 2 slices of ham on top, then add 1 tortilla on top of that.
4.Press the cheese that is sticking out into the shape of the tortilla.
5.When the cheese is crispy and golden, flip it over, grill for 1~2minutes and fold it in half, and remove it from the pan.
6.Cut it in half for easier eating.


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