
『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ http://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2018/05/25/002913


ペンネ(3分早茹でタイプ) 80g
水 120cc
牛乳 100cc
ブルーチーズ(ゴルゴンゾーラ) 20g
生クリーム 大さじ3
オリーブオイル 大さじ1
塩 少々
ブラックペッパー お好みの量


【Penne Gorgonzola in the microwave】
Speaking of blue cheese, it is characterized by blue mold and its flavor is intense and likes and dislikes are divided into cheeses.
Gorgonzola, one of the three big blue cheeses among blue cheese, is a representative blue cheese in Italy.
(Incidentally, the other three big blue cheeses refer to French Rock Fall and British Stilton.
This time, I made Penne of Gorgonzola that I see when going to Italian Lentrans easily made a quick hit using the range.
You can make it with one ball without using a stove, so I definitely would like you to make those who like blue cheese.
Compatibility with wine is particularly outstanding! Easy to make even tipsy, it is also recommended for wine accompaniment.

80g Penne (3 minutes early boiled type)
120cc Water
100cc Milk
20g Blue cheese(Gorgonzola)
3 tbsp Fresh cream
1 tbsp Olive oil
A little Salt
Black pepper Your choice

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