うますぎた!明太子バターしょうゆパスタ (Mentaiko Butter Soy sauce Pasta)

□ うますぎた!明太子バターしょうゆパスタ □
(Mentaiko Butter Soy sauce Pasta)


This time, I made “Mentaiko butter soy sauce pasta” which can be easily cooked. Adding consomme to garlic, butter and soy sauce. And Mentaiko! It’s so simple and delicious. Anything can be used for the ingredients.


If you have any comments or advice, please give me comments.
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FOOD MAKES US HAPPY!! 「食は人を幸せにする」


■ About this channel ■
Thank you for watching “San-chan’s cooking.”
A middle-aged man who usually only eats out and has never cooked dishes starts a self-catering life with a sense of mind! Watching this channel, I hope that anyone who thinks “I can’t cook” will take a little challenge. And I want men to express themselves more and more in the kitchen. Single men may not be reluctant to cook for themselves, but if they can cook, the attractive points are high. Husbands may usually leave his housework to his wife, but by watching this program, why don’t you secretly increase his repertoire and make your wife happy with cooking?
In a convenient world, you can get what you eat right away at convenience stores or supermarkets, but home cooking is still good. It’s really hard to prepare, cook, and clean up your daily meals, but it’s economical to enjoy and even delight somebody! I hope that the wonderfulness of food can be conveyed to the men of the world and of course to the women of the world.
By the way, how can San-chan, an amateur culinary seeker, become a culinary master?
I am so happy if I can grow up with the audience! Thank you.


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#Mentaiko #明太子 #和風パスタ #pasta #Japanesepasta


  1. うわぁタラコさえあれば冷蔵庫の余り物で作れる♡‼やってみよー!!!


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