耐熱ボウル1個と電子レンジで作る!『鶏とキノコのレモンバターチーズパスタ』Chicken and mushroom lemon butter Cheese pasta

『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2018/09/29/123248


パスタ(3分茹でタイプ) 100g
鶏もも肉 100g
きのこ 1/4パック
水 250cc
☆オリーブオイル 大さじ1
☆塩 適量
◯レモン汁 大さじ1
◯バター 5g
◯粉チーズ 大さじ2
◯ブラックペッパー 少々


【Chicken and mushroom lemon butter Cheese pasta】
Today, it is “super brief super short time recipe” “one bowl lentin pasta” series.
One bowl lentin pasta is “no pot, no frying pan nor stove, it is a handy pasta made with a heat resistant bowl and a microwave oven.”
If you leave the microwave oven, you can keep extra effort and washing to a minimum and it is a messy jumping chin!
The pasta made this time is “Lemon butter cheese pasta of chicken and mushroom”.
Compatibility of chicken with lemon is outstanding! In addition, rich in plus with butter cheese, finished in refreshing pasta with taste firmly though it is easy. Moreover, I feel the soup of chicken in the sauce and also the umami!
It is very convenient on the range, but it is fresh and satisfying stomach and heart. Please try our meal when you want to make it easy.

Pasta (3 minutes boiled type) 100 g
Chicken thigh 100 g
mushroom 1/4 pack
Water 250cc
☆ 1 tbsp of olive oil
☆ Salt as needed
◯ 1 tbsp lemon juice
◯ Butter 5g
◯ 2 tbsp cheese powder
◯ Black pepper a little

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楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/


  1. だいたいいつも家にある材料で簡単に美味しく出来る料理で本当に助かります!明日のお昼は決まりました❗️

  2. レモンバターチーズの味で食べたことないので作るの勇気がいります😁😅一回私の分だけ作ってみて美味しかったら家族の分作ってみます。スミマセン💦ビビりだから初めての味は勇気がなくて。明日作ってみて、ご報告してもいいですか?てぬキッチン様のお料理だから絶対美味しいのは分かっております❤️🍀❤️

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