

パスタ 1束
むきえび 10尾程度
塩 大さじ1程度
片栗粉 大さじ1程度
アボカド 1個
オリーブオイル 大さじ1
にんにく 少々
生クリーム 50ml
牛乳 50ml
コンソメ 少々
塩コショウ 少々
レモン汁 小さじ1


水 500ml
塩 小さじ1
酒 小さじ1

Cold pasta with shrimp avocado and prosciutto

・1 serving
1 bunch of pasta
About 10 peeled shrimp
About 1 tablespoon salt
About 1 tablespoon potato starch
1 avocado
1 tablespoon olive oil
a little garlic
fresh cream 50ml
50ml milk
A little consommé
a little salt and pepper
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Toppings: raw ham and basil

water for boiling shrimp
500ml water
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon alcohol

① Wash the shrimp with salt and potato starch.
Boil water for boiling.
Turn off the heat, add the shrimp, cover and cook for 2 minutes.
② Peel and cut the avocado
③ Fry the garlic in olive oil.
Take it out when it smells.
④ Fry the avocado for 1-2 minutes.
Add other seasonings and stir-fry lightly.
⑤ Place shrimp in a bowl and chill in the freezer for 30 minutes.
It’s delicious with black pepper too!
⑥ boil the pasta
Wash and mix with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
⑦ Mix avocado sauce and pasta and it’s done!


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