Oyster and Brassica(flower sprouts) pasta recipe 牡蠣と菜の花の和風パスタのレシピ

ingredients for 2
pasta 180-200g
boild oyster 6
Brassica(flower sprouts) 50g
garlic 1
red pepper 1
olive oil 15cc
hot water for boil pasta 100cc
sake or white wine 30cc
nagasawake sause or soy sause 15cc

How to make nagasawake sause in English

パスタ 180-200g
茹で牡蠣(もしくは炒めた牡蠣) 6個
菜の花 50gくらい
にんにく 1かけ(スライス)
鷹の爪 1つ
オリーブ油 大さじ1
パスタの茹で汁 100cc
日本酒 大さじ2
塩、こしょう 適量
長澤家の万能つゆもしくは市販のめんつゆ 大さじ2くらい




  1. sorry I transrated 「菜の花」 to English in website,the result is Rape blossoms.
    But it is not good,so change recipe name.


  2. Guys, the name Rape Blossoms is legit. It's another name for Brassica. And the name Rape Blossums come from the plant it grows from, an Old English term for turnip called "rapum". If you've heard of rapeseed oil, then Brassica has similar origins.

    It's easy to jump to conclusions but google things people 😛

  3. @brackpersian sorry if stirring and wavering the pan is too hard for u, but if u gotta make asian food, u gotta stir it and wave it.

  4. @smokelakes I've heard of rapeseed oil, so I have no problem looking up a food that's named Rape Blossoms. I don't mind googling anything if I understand what it means. If it's bad, then I never look at it again. I know rape is a powerful word, but when it is used to name a food, it almost never takes on that meaning.

    Go by this then: if the word "rape" is used for a food, then it's most likely not bad and what it was intended to be named.

  5. @brackpersian gee i'd love to try ur own version of this without you stirring or wavering… sure gonna get burnt. *rolls eyes*

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