Home made Chilli dogs & Jalapenos Easy recipe from Japan

How to make Hot dog Chilli Easy at home!
Hot and spicy Chilli dog with original Jalapeno pickles.
I wanted to use my Original garden made Jalapeno pickles on the Chillidog to see how hot and its taste. And it was Perfect!! Please enjoy my movie!

What you need (動画で使った分)

〇 Hot dog bread
〇 Sausage
〇 Jalapeno pickles
〇 Chilliconcarne (Chilli meat)
  〇 Ground meat pork or beef        500~600g
  〇 Onion            medium size 1
  〇 Garlic           1clove
  〇 Chilli con carne seasoning   1pack
  〇 Cooked Beans 1pack
  〇 Tomato can      1
  〇 Water               1/2of tomato can (250cc)
  〇 Salt and pepper        

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Reference movie to make Jalapenos and Chilli meat

ハラペーニョピクルスの作り方 スパイシーチリドッグに乗ってるヤツ How to make Jalapeno (Jalapeños) pickles

チリコンカンレシピ 本場の味をシーズニングで誰でも簡単に! Chilli con carne recipe in Japan

#Gontaskitchen #チリコンカン #Chilliconcarne


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