耐熱ボウル1個と電子レンジで作る!『ソーセージのガーリックトマトパスタ』Sausage garlic tomato pasta by microwave



パスタ(3分茹でタイプ) 100g
トマト缶 1/2缶(200g)
水 120cc
玉ねぎ 1/6
ソーセージ 3本
☆コンソメキューブ 1個
☆鷹の爪 少々
☆オリーブオイル 大さじ1
☆にんにくチューブ 小さじ1/2
☆塩&ブラックペッパー 少々
粉チーズ 大さじ1


【Sausage garlic tomato pasta by microwave】
Today, it is “super brief super short time recipe” “one bowl lentin pasta” series.
One bowl lentin pasta is “no pot, no frying pan nor stove, it is a handy pasta made with a heat resistant bowl and a microwave oven.” If you leave it to the microwave oven, you can keep extra labor and washing to a minimum and it is a messy jumping chin!
The pasta we made this time is “Sausage garlic tomato pasta”.
The garlic is working with the guts, the hawk’s claws firmly taste with punch, and the sausage has further deepened the umami, finished in a stamina tomato taste with such energy.
It is a dish which is rich enough that pasta sauce is entangled with pasta and it is quite satisfactory although it is easy to think that it was made with only microwave oven.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at lunch time, when you are busy or tired!

Pasta (3 minutes boiled type) 100 g
Tomato can Half
Water 120 cc
Onions 1/6
Three sausages
☆ Consomme Cube 1 piece
☆ A little Chili pepper
☆ 1 tbsp olive oil
☆ 1/2 tsp of garlic
☆ Salt and black pepper a little
1 tbsp cheese powder

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楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/


  1. すごい❗️これは明日のお昼に絶対作る‼️😆

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