今年の夏は新しい味に挑戦!グリーンピースのパスタの作り方:How to make Green Pea Pasta | Veggie Dishes by Peaceful Cuisine





【材料 2人分】
・グリーンピース 150g
・にんにく 好みで少量(動画では小さじ1/2ほど使用)
・水 50〜100ml(ペーストの固さ調整用)
・塩 小さじ1
・オリーブオイル 大さじ2
・パスタ 2人前
・ベビーリーフ 適量

《1》 グリーンピースを1分ほど蒸します。
《2》 グリーンピース、にんにく、塩、オリーブオイル、水をフードプロセッサーでペースト状にします。
《3》 パスタを茹で、ペーストとベビーリーフと和えたら出来上がりです。

Music : Wednesday Song 2 / Terry Devine-King, Nik Kershaw

【VEGGIE DISHES(ベジーディッシーズ)とは?】

◆チャンネル登録するとVEGGIE DISHESの最新話をチェックしやすくなるよ!→http://goo.gl/6QixNr

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動画制作/高嶋綾也(Peaceful Cuisine)
◇Blog◇ http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
◇Youtube◇ https://www.youtube.com/user/ryoya1983
◇Facebook◇ https://www.facebook.com/ryoya.takashima.3
◇Instagram◇ http://instagram.com/peaceful_cuisine/

This week’s recipe is “Green Pea Pasta”. If you find fresh green peas, this is the recipe you should try!! You could add almonds or pine nuts in your pea paste. Have fun

【INGREDIENTS 2 servings】

150g green peas
1/2 tsp garlic
50 – 100ml water
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
2 servings of any pasta you like
some baby leaves

1.steam green peas for a minute.
2.Blend green peas, garlic, salt, olive oil and water with food processor.
3.Boil pasta and put everything together.

Music : Wednesday Song 2 / Terry Devine-King, Nik Kershaw

A program that shows you vegan & organic food. Vegan is cooking without any animal products uses only plant based food. I also use organic food which are grown without any pesticide, herbicide and chemical fertilizer. I will show you recipes which you can’t think it’s made of only plant foods and surprisingly delicious!

◆uploading a new video on EVERY MONDAY.
check out other VEGGIE DISHES Videos! →http://goo.gl/cD6m4O

◆Peaceful Cuisine HP → http://www.peacefulcuisine.com
◆Peaceful Cuisine Youtube Channel→ →http://goo.gl/cD6m4O
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/ryoya.takashima.3
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  1. りょうやさんの作るもの大好きです!いつも動画楽しみにしてます♪リクエストですが、、、手に入りやすい食材でフルーツたっぷりのケーキかタルトを作ってほしいです!

  2. For me peas is the best eaten "raw", straight from the pods 😀 But as it's just the beginning of peas season and it's not really a problem to find it fresh right now in Poland I'll definitely try this recipe out 🙂 Looks yummy!

  3. Hey, Could you make more videos that you could make in advance and freeze them? I liked your curry recipe. As a student, I don't have much time to cook so meals that I can prepare in advance are great.

  4. Green is a beautiful color, isn't it? Ryoya-san, how about a beautiful green avocado toast? It is very popular in NYC right now: a very thick toast, with avocado, crumbled feta cheese, chili flakes, pumpkin seeds, and sometimes topped with a poached egg. I would love to see a vegan Japanese version! Thank you for your great work! 🙂

  5. Ryouyaさん今晩は☆ガラケーでの動画閲覧が不可能になってしまったのでPCで閲覧してます☆Ryouyaさんは、色々と、本当にマメですね~☆(^^)

  6. We got a ton or fresh green peas from a relative's farm for free! Not sure if we already ate them all but if not I'm making this.

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