茄子とトマトのミートソースパスタ │ Eggplant Bolognese

・オリーブオイル 大さじ2
・にんにく 1かけ
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・ホールトマト缶 1/2缶
・豚ひき肉 100g
・茄子 2本
・塩 ひとつまみ~ふたつまみ
・パスタ 100g
・茹で汁 大さじ2くらい
・塩 調整用


2. あまり触らず焼き目がついたらほぐし、肉汁が透明になるまで炒めて置いておく
3. 鍋やフライパンにオリーブオイル大さじ2・みじん切りにしたにんにくを入れて弱火にかける
4. 弱火でじっくりにんにくの香りをオイルに移し、軽く色づき始めたら玉ねぎを加えて炒める
5. 塩をちょっぴりふり、透き通るまで炒めたらホールトマト、十数分弱火で煮詰める
6. 茄子を170℃くらいの揚げ油で素揚げし、数分柔らかくなるまで揚げる
7. トマトの酸味が飛んである程度煮詰まったら茄子・豚肉を加えて塩ひとつまみ~ふたつまみで調味し、数分煮てなじませる
8. 沸騰したお湯に1%の塩を入れ、パスタを表示時間通りか少し短めに茹でる
9. 茹で上がったパスタ、茹で汁大さじ2くらいをソースとあわせ、濃度を茹で汁で、味を塩で最終調整する
10. 仕上げにオリーブオイル・バジルなどをトッピングして出来上がり


↓using translation software.

*2 tablespoons olive oil
*1 clove of garlic
*1/2 onion
*Canned whole tomatoes 1/2 can
*Ground pork 100 g
*Eggplant, 2 pieces
*A pinch of salt ~ 2 pinches
*Pasta 100 g
*about 2 tablespoons of the water used to boil it
*For salt adjustment
*Olive oil, basil, etc.

*Crush the garlic and slice it.
*Mince the onion.
*Mash the whole tomato and remove the skin if there is any.
*Cut the eggplant into chunks.

[How to make it.]
Lightly oil the frying pan, spread out the ground pork and fry it.
2.Don’t touch it too much and loosen it when it browns. Stir-fry it until the meat juice becomes transparent and leave it.
3.Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and minced garlic in a pot or pan and cook it on low-heat.
4.Slowly transfer the scent of the garlic to the oil over low heat. Add the onion and stir-fry it when it lightly browns.
5.Sprinkle a bit of salt. Stir-fry it until it becomes transparent. Boil the whole tomato for more than 10 minutes over low-heat.
6.Deep fry the eggplant in 170 ° C frying oil for several minutes until soft.
7.When the sourness of the tomato evaporates and it boils down to a certain extent, add the eggplant and pork. Season it with a pinch of salt or two pinches. Simmer it for several minutes and let it settle.
8.Add 1% of salt in boiling water. Boil the pasta according to the listed time or a bit shorter.
9.Mix the boiled pasta and about 2 tablespoons of the water used to boil it with the sauce. Adjust the concentration with the water used to boil it and finally adjust the taste with salt.
10.Finish it off by topping it with olive oil, basil, etc and it will be complete.


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