10 types meal prep | Meat-wrapped sushi | Lunch box | Salmon roll | Onigiri | ramen

I made 10 different side dishes and some frozen stock.
I went back to my hometown for the weekend.
Every year I go hiking and camping outside the prefecture, but this year I was worried about my mom’s health, so I spent the weekend relaxing at home. I was also encouraged to stretch my legs, so I was able to enjoy a relaxing break without having to do any housework. 😌
Thank you for your likes, follows, comments, etc. I’m grateful to all of you for your kind hearts.

00:00  opening 
01:35  10 types meal prep
11:42  Meat-wrapped sushi lunch box /肉巻き寿司弁当
14:16  Teriyaki rice bowl with plenty of vegetables and tartar sauce /野菜たっぷりタルタルのてりたま丼
16:06 ”Sunny Tomato Noodles”/太陽のトマト麺本家
17:02O nigiri lunch plate /玉おむすびの竹ザルランチ
18:40  ”Sunny Tomato Noodles” Recipe &Fresh spring rolls /太陽のトマト麺・再現レシピ&サーモンの生春巻き
22:53 Teriyaki Chicken Open Sandwich /照り焼きチキンオープンサンド
24:33 Return to your hometown and relax /地元に帰ってのんびり過ごす

◻️Recipe reference   

▷Teriyaki Chicken 照り焼きチキン


▷Pork shabu-shabu ぶたしゃぶ

▷Curry minced meat カレーそぼろ

▷Ball konnyaku

▷Kinpira lotus root 蓮根のきんぴら


▷Boiled komatsuna 小松菜煮浸し

▷roast beef


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