びっくりするほど簡単で美味しいブロッコリーとアンチョビのパスタ!誰でも作れるヘルシーな本格イタリアン レシピ (Broccoli and anchovy pasta)

ブロッコリーとアンチョビの パスタ (2〜3人前)

– リングイネ パスタ  200g
– ブロッコリー    1個
– アンチョビ     フィレ2枚
– にんにく      3片
– オリーブオイル   大さじ2
– 塩         小さじ2
– 唐辛子       お好みで
– パルメザンチーズ  お好みで

Broccoli and anchovy pasta
Ingredients (2 – 3 servings)

– Linguine 200g
– Broccoli 1 head
– Anchovy 2 fillets
– Garlic 3 cloves
– Olive oil 2 tablespoons
– Salt 2 teaspoons
– Chilli to taste
– Parmesan cheese to taste


ぜひ試してみてくださいね。: )

Wellcome to Hungry husky home cooking! Today i’m making Broccoli and Anchovy Pasta using ingredients you can find at the local supermarket in Japan.

This is a recipe I learned from my father-in-law who is passionate about European cooking.
If you have never tried broccoli pasta you have to try making this! It will surprise you how much flavour you can get from such few ingredients. It is so simple to make and since you are boiling the pasta in the same pot as the broccoli, you also have less washing up to do!
Try this recipe at home and let me know what you think in the comments!

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Background Music
Duck in a Box / Jobii / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Eldorado / BLUE STEEL/ courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com




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