ピリ辛でビーンズたっぷりチリコンカンライス! Chili con carne rice with spicy and plenty of beans!

牛豚合挽肉  350g
チョリソー  1袋
玉ねぎ    1個
キドニー   1パック
ひよこ豆   1パック
カットトマト 1パック
塩      適量
This dish is very easy! All you have to do is cut the onions, and then fry and stew the ingredients! But it’s delicious! Chorizo is included, so it’s spicy and voluminous, and the rice goes on! Please try it!
Ingredients for 2-3 people
Minced beef and pork 350g
1 bag of chorizo
1 onion
Kidney 1 pack
Chickpea 1 pack
1 pack of cut tomatoes
1 bag of spice mix
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Appropriate amount of salt

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