I love ”American TexMex” Tacos (No Talk No BGM 66)

Ingredients I used (10 -12 tacos)
: 450 -500g (1lb) ground chicken
: 1 clove garlic
: 1/2 onion
: 1 celery
: 2~3 bell pepper
: 130g tomato paste
: 1 tbsp paprika
: 1 tsp cumin
: 1 tsp oregano
: 1 tsp black pepper
: Taco shell
: Shredded lettuce
: Tomato
: Cheese

– Guacamole –
: 1 avocado
: Lime juice (1 lime)
: Tomato
: 1/2 onion
: Cilantro 
: Salt to taste

Viewers request(closed against my will) cooking video list

Other not ASMR?(No talk) cooking list

Introduce Japan item




– runnyrunny999



: 450g~500g 鶏挽肉
: 130g トマトペースト
: ピーマン3個
: たまねぎ半分 (もう半分はワカモレ用に)
: セロリ1本
: にんにく1片
: 大さじ1 パプリカ
: 小さじ1 クミン
: 小さじ1 オレガノ
: 小さじ1 黒こしょう
: 市販のタコシェル

– トッピング用 –
: レタス
: トマト
: サラダ用細切りチーズ

– ワカモレ –
: アボカド1個
: ライムやレモン汁1個分
: たまねぎ半分
: トマト適量 
: パクチー適量
: お好みで塩







– runnyrunny999


  1. el sabor de los tacos conquista a todos los países 👌😆 delicioso, el wakamole esta muy bien hecho tal cual en México

  2. Hello! Very good your channel and your video! Congratulations! I wish every success!
    Your culture and language enchant me! When you have time, visit my channel! In the last video, I made Carrot Cake!
    Thank you! Success! Hugs. #dgtudo

  3. I'm mexican and it's the first time I see that kind of tacos. They don't look that the tacos we eat here, but they look good anyway. I'd try them without any problem 😋

  4. I've never cooked my taco meat like that, but it looks delicious! I will try it out next time I make tacos. You don't have to heat the flour tortillas in the oven, they are good out of the package. Also, your guacamole makes me want to go to the store and get avacados right away! Great video 👍

  5. i really like these vids, no annoying as hell talking or loud background music

    just well font words on a screen explaining each step

    sometimes less is more you know

  6. タコスはアメリカ行ったとき1回しか食べたことないけど、めちゃくちゃ美味かったのは覚えてる。ということでこれから作ります

  7. Being from Texas, this is very tex-mex. Though i don't know if i've ever seen celery used as a taco ingredient, interesting choice and I'm sure it adds some nice flavors. I was about to complain about there being no cayenne mixed with the meat till i saw you add hot salsa!

    Something you might try for your guacamolé is adding a little bit of powdered garlic.

    Great video, looks delicious!

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