トムヤムライス もっと身近にタイ料理!Vol.1 Tom Yum Rice – Let’s be familiar with Thai dishes Vol. 1

* Please see the outline in English followed by Japanese.
You can choose English subtitles in the VDO.


ご飯 1人分
卵 1個
ナムプリックパオ 小さじ1~2
ナンプラー 小さじ1~2
油 大さじ1
エビや肉、豆腐などメインの具 50gくらい



00:00 オープニング・ご挨拶
00:36 トムヤムとは?
01:38 トムヤムライスとは?
02:20 トムヤムの材料・スーパーからレポート
03:44 ナムプリックとは? - トムヤム必須の材料 
04:40 トムヤムライスの材料
05:51 作り方動画 カットの仕方から盛り付けまで
08:50 トムヤムチャーハンなど4種アレンジ方法
10:35 終わりの挨拶


This is the channel produced by AO, a vegetable sommelier and healthy food researcher living in Bangkok.
With the theme of “telling the charm of Thai food”, this channel introduces Thai food, especially simple dishes using Thai ingredients, and food that you have encountered at the market or while travelling.
My first VDO may not be a professional work to release, but I decided to start.
This very first special one is introducing Tom Yum Rice for you to enjoy Thai food more easily. There are various patterns, so please try one that you think easy to make.

[Tom Yum Rice Easy Recipe]
Rice for one person
1 egg
Namprikpao 1-2 teaspoons
Nampla 1-2 teaspoons
1 tablespoon of oil
Main ingredients such as shrimp, meat and tofu about 50g
* Other ingredients of your choice
Lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, khar, shallot, capsicum, lime, etc.

(1) Mix Namprikpao with nampla.
(2) Add oil to a frying pan, fry the rice and ingredients, and season with (1).
(3) Add eggs as you like : scrambled, thinly sliced or roasted, etc.
(4) Please add any ingredients of your favorite.

00:00 Opening/greetings
00:36 What is Tom Yum?
01:38 What is Tom Yum Rice?
02:20 Tom Yum ingredients/ Report from Supermarket
03:44 What is Namprik? – essential material for Tom Yum
04:40 Ingredients for Tom Yum
05:51 VDO -from cutting process to serving
08:50 4 versions of arrangement such as Tom Yum fried rice
10:35 Closing remarks

I would like to produce videos reflecting your voice. I am more than happy if you send me your opinions, questions, and advice.

#トムヤムライス #タイ料理
#SALADee #トムヤムクン


  1. YouTubeデビュー❣️

  2. おめでとうございます🎉

  3. Youtuberデビュー、おめでとうございます!


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