Fluffy Italian Classic Tiramisu 【1 Minute Cooking】

Hi! i’m Japanese.i heard this recipe from my Italian friend.and she said the most important point of Italian Tiramisu is “never use instant coffee”.
this time,i made Fluffy Italian Classic Tiramisu;)
as you may feeling uncomfortable about eating raw eggs,i love this recipe than other(for examples,using fresh cream)recipes.
this tiramisu is rich taste,very fluffy,and yummy!

2 eggs to be eaten raw
40g glanurated sugar(for adding egg yolk)
5g glanurated sugar(for adding egg white)
100ml espresso(or instant coffee)
2tsps glanurated sugar
sambuca(if desired)
250g mascarpone
cacao powder(or cocoa powder)
finger biscuit(or sponge cake)

related videos
How to make Matcha Tiratisu(using soy bean”Tofu”)

How to Make Easy Tiramisu Cake(by 30oyaji)


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