レンジで6分!簡単すぎて笑っちゃうペンネ・アラビアータの作り方!Penne Arabiata microwave

『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ http://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2018/05/15/111433


ペンネ(早ゆで3分) 80g
カットトマト缶 200g
水 50cc
鷹の爪 適量
にんにくチューブ 小さじ1
塩 小さじ1/2
オリーブオイル 大さじ1
粉チーズ 大さじ1


【Penne Arabiata in the microwave】
Spicy hot, tomato sour and garlic delicious delicious Arabiata! Although it is simple, it tastes like you want to eat.
Also, it is a good point that tomato sauce often get tangled by using Penne.
Penne · Arabiata made this time is 6 minutes in range by putting the material in the ball! It is a recipe that is too easy to surprise as it is completed at super speed.
Penne is also recommended for parties and hospitality as it is hard to grow even with time.
Easy but authentic taste Penne Arabiata, one lunch or troublesome and not wanting to do anything on the day rainy day, because it is popular among children, it is an easy recipe that will be active in various situations for dinner. Please do not hesitate to try!

80g Penne (early boiled 3 minutes)
200g Cut tomato cans
50cc Water
Chili powder as needed
1 tsp garlic tube
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp Olive oil
1 tbsp Powder cheese

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  1. 簡単です。トマトのショートパスタ食べたかったので、これは良いですね!ひき肉の代わりにウインナーとか秋ならキノコとか入れたり、冷凍のほうれん草入れたりとかしても美味しそうですね!

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