【イタリア編】簡単5分 カラフル野菜の「ライスサラダ」ホムパで人気のレシピ


00:00 紹介ムービー
1:054 材料一覧

公開2020 年8月
2か国目となる~Amazing Embassy Cooking 大使館シェフのおいしいレシピ~は、イタリア大使館シェフのモンタルベンティさんに自宅でも簡単に作ることが出来るイタリア料理を教わりに行ってきました!



米 300g
ツナ缶 1缶
黒い種抜きのオリーブ 10個
ミニトマト 6~7個
洗った塩ケッパー 大さじ1
バジル 5~6枚
グリーンピース(冷凍) 1/2カップ
コーン缶(小) 1/2カップ
ゆで卵 2個
塩・胡椒 少々
オリーブオイル 大匙3~4  




[00:01]In this section, the chef introduces the dish they will be making, which is a flavorful rice salad.
– The dish is called “sourdough rice salad.”
– The chef describes it as a simple yet delicious recipe.
– The chef mentions that the dish is flavorful.

[01:47]This section shows how to prepare the ingredients for a colorful rice salad.
– The pre-cut rice is separated with a fork.
– Ingredients like tomatoes, black olives, fresh basil, and boiled eggs are cut.
– The ingredients are mixed with oil and tuna.

[03:56]In Italy, fresh salad is famous during the summer and is often served as an appetizer with Franciacorta wine.
– Rice salad, known as salatadiso in Italian, is a popular antipasto dish.
– The ambassador of Italy and his wife are enjoying a delicious antipasto meal.
– Franciacorta wine is a famous sparkling wine that pairs well with antipasto dishes.

[05:23]The video highlights the beauty of the Franciacorta region in Lombardy and recommends visiting for the production of excellent aperitivo wines.
– The region is located between Lake Iseo and the city of Brescia.
– The video suggests that visiting the Franciacorta region is a fortunate and recommended experience.
– The wine produced in the region is described as light, dry, and sparkling, making it perfect for summer dishes and appetizers.


  1. みんなイタリア人なのに、なんで英語で喋らせるの?


  2. Il sapore di estate in Italia! mi manca tanto e buonissimo.
    Grazie per video. Franciacorta, il mio preferito , sopratutto bel fresco 、Vorrei tornare a Italia!

  3. この方のお料理動画が大好きです。今まで今ひとつ美味しく作れなかったイタリア料理が、これからは美味しく作れそう。私は、イタリア料理が1番好きです。世界で1番美味しいから。

  4. フランスで食べたのを真似して作ったことがあるけど、日本人が作ると洋風ちらし寿司になっちゃって、、具の量が微妙に多いんだね

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