ボウル1個と電子レンジで作る!『ベーコンときのこのクリームパスタ』Bacon and mushrooms cream pasta

『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2018/09/13/110527


パスタ(3分早茹で) 100g
舞茸 1/3パック
ベーコン 1枚
◯バター 10g
◯小麦粉 15g
☆牛乳 200cc
☆水 150cc
☆コンソメキューブ 1個


【Bacon and mushrooms cream pasta microwave】
Today, I would like to make “one ball scented pasta”, which is an ultra easy long and short recipe.
With one ball rentin pasta, “no pot, no frying pan nor stove is necessary, easy hand-made pasta made with a heat-resistant ball and microwave oven”.
This time it is a representative of popular pasta “Bacon and mushroom cream pasta”.
Make full flavor cream sauce made with flour and milk, making it with a microwave overexert and zero failure!
The source is quite rich and it is exquisite with enthusiasm for pasta. I love cream pasta, but please try by all means when I want to make it easily today.

100g Pasta (boiled 3 minutes early)
Maitake 1/3
1 sheet Bacon
◯ 10g Butter
◯ 15 g of flour
☆ 200cc Milk
☆ 150 cc water
☆ Consomme Cube 1 piece
☆ Salt & Black Pepper

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楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/


  1. そっか、先にパスタ茹でる時間省くんですね☆

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