ミルキーストロベリーブレッドで春を先取り♡米粉の湯種でふわっふわ🌷とても簡単で甘酸っぱくて可愛い💕パン作りで幸せ気分✨Let’s feel spring with this bread!

見た目の可愛さに加えて フィリングの練乳イチゴが美味しすぎて 幸せ感をアップさせてくれました!まるで女子高生になった気分でした~^0^ ←(言い過ぎ (^^; )

When I was deluding myself about bread that feels like spring, I made cute MAX bread with a very easy shapding. ^ – ^ 💕
The image is like a picture of a high school girl eating it!
In addition to the cuteness of the appearance, the condensed milk strawberry filling was so delicious that it made me feel happier! I felt like I became a high school girl ~ ^ 0 ^ ← (excessively (^ ^; )

↑↑You can see my Instagram from here!

★Milky Strawberry bread★
米粉 50g
熱湯 100ml

強力粉(春よ恋) 270g
砂糖 20g
練乳 20g
塩(ゲランドの塩 ) 4g
インスタントドライイースト 5g
無塩バター 25g
水  110ml


捏ね終わりの生地 200gにいちごパウダー15g(小さじ1と1/2の水で溶かしておく)を混ぜ込む

練乳  30g
いちごパウダー(DAISO) 5g
2️⃣粒ジャムいちご🍓 30g

一次発酵 40℃ 35分程度で生地が2倍ぐらいになるまで発酵させる。
二次発酵 40℃ 25分

白生地を30cm× 18cmに伸ばし、いちご生地もほぼ同じ大きさまで伸ばし重ねる。1️⃣の練乳いちごを全体に塗り、2️⃣の粒ジャムをのせて巻く。

190℃ 28分

一斤型 18.5×9.5×h9am



↑↑★Strawberry ring bread with cream made with plenty of fresh strawberries.

★Milky Strawberry bread★

Rice flour 50 g
Boiling water 100 ml
*The rice flour used is gluten-free rice flour that can be purchased at supermarkets.
*You can use the Yudane as soon as it cools!

270 g strong flour (Haruyokoi)
20 g sugar
Condensed milk 20 g
Salt (Geland salt) 4g
*You can use regular salt instead.
Instant dry yeast 5g
Unsalted butter 25 g
Water 110 ml

Strawberry powder (DAISO) 15g
(Additional) 1/2 teaspoon of strawberry powder purchased from Tomizawa Shoten

Mix 15 g of strawberry powder (dissolve it with 1 teaspoon and 1/2 of water) into 200 g of kneaded dough.
*Adjust the pink color to your preferred thickness 😁
I wanted to add a little more strawberry color, so after mixing in DAISO strawberry powder, I added a teaspoon of strawberry powder purchased by Tomizawa Shoten to add color.

1️⃣ Condensed milk strawberries
Condensed milk 30 g
Strawberry powder (DAISO) 5g
2️⃣ Strawberry jam 🍓 30 g

Let it rise for 35 minutes at 40 °C until the dough doubles in size.
Secondary fermentation for 25 minutes at 40 °C.

After 15 minutes of bench time,
Roll out the white dough to 30 cm x 18 cm, and roll out the strawberry dough to about the same size. Spread the condensed milk strawberries from 1️⃣ all over, place the jam from 2️⃣ on top and roll up.
Please watch the video carefully to see the shaping!

Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
190 °C for 28 min

[Bread mold]
Single Loaf Type 18.5 x 9.5 x h9 am

↓いちごとバターー香るストロベリーシュガーブレッド↓超かわいくて 超おいしいです^-^💕

↑↑Strawberry Sugar Bread with Strawberry and Butter Fragrance💕💕💕

★成形の時のステキなBGMはAnthony Lazaro さんの What Do You Have to Lose という曲です!

Official YouTube channelはこちら↓

★ベンチタイム前の可愛い曲は 私の大好きな Sarah Kang さんの曲です。
Official YouTube channelはこちら↓

MUSIC index
1. I want you to want me by Dan Pundak
2. Make this love last_ by Ella Daniel
3. The Rain song by Carlie Fairburn
4. More Than Words by Sarah Kang
5. What do you have to lose by Anthony Lazaro
6. Early Birds by Panth Lab
7. What a best friends for by Lynnea

All songs are copyrighted by Artlist.


  1. This bread looks so cute, tasty and not that hard to make!🍓🍞
    I wish I could make it but I don't think I can find either strawberyy powder or grainy strawberry jam in my city, is there a way to replace those ingredients without modifying the recipe too much?

  2. さっそく作りました

  3. Hi Miline, I tried to make the yudane 50g rice flour with 100ml water, it turns out to be liquid! The texture is not like yours at all. Is it 100g rice flour and 50g hot water? I hope you read this now cos I am preparing to make this bread

  4. Thank you so much for this video this really helped me de-stress and I love to see this while I am studying. Please keep making more and I will definitely subscribe for more content like this.

  5. Hello, beautiful recipe but If have a question.
    I'm putting the right amount of rice flour and water for my yudane but mine is liquid. Is that normal ?

  6. めっちゃ可愛い(*ˊᵕˋ*)੭ ੈ❤︎

  7. Will definitely be making this again. I have to remember the difference in environment from where you are to here in hot Texas, USA. But the flavor is amazing

  8. きれいにうずは巻かなかったのですが、もちもちフワフワが止まらない美味しいパンになりました。

  9. Hello! I discovered your channel yesterday and I've been loving your recipes, you are really talented 😍 I have one question, If I don't have strawberry powder can I use strawberry jelly powder instead?

  10. こんばんは🌆いつも素敵なパンや素敵な音楽に癒されています💕美凛さんのパンレシピを紹介してTikTokの方で作らさせて頂くのは可能ですか?😊

  11. Hi may I know what is the difference using yudane method and sponge dough? Which one better? Thanks, I love your videos, this time I tried this recipe it came out so good❤

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